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March Birthstones

Modern – Aquamarine   Traditional – Bloodstone   Mystical - Jade   Aquamarine is a member of the Beryl family.  The name Beryl may not be familiar to most but the more common names of the variety of its colors are well known. Beryl’s come in pink (Morganite), yellow (Heliodor), green (Emerald) and blue (Aquamarine).  The name of March’s blue birthstone comes from the Latin for seawater. Aquamarine’s blue-green color is reminiscent of the sea; evoking the calming, soothing and cleansing nature of water. It was believed in ancient times to be the treasure of mermaids and used by sailors as a talisman to calm waves and keep sailors safe at sea. It was also believed to counteract the forces of darkness and find...

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February Birthstones

Modern - Amethyst    Traditional - Amethyst     Mystical - Bloodstone  Amethyst is the most valuable variety of Quartz.  It gets its violet color from irradiated iron impurities. You may have heard of other colors of Amethyst, but by definition, it can only be purple. When there is a higher iron content with hematite inclusions, it appears black. Pink Amethyst is simply a lighter lavender version. Green Amethyst is technically not an Amethyst but actually another type of quartz called Prasiolite.  I can't honestly say how it ever became commonly known as Green Amethyst.  Possibly, because its an easier name to remember than Prasiolite. Amethyst derived its name from the Greek word "amethystos".  The Greeks believed amethyst gems could prevent intoxication...

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January Birthstones

Modern - Garnet     Traditional - Garnet      Mystical - Emerald When most people think of lush garnets, they think of the traditional transparent dark burgundy red that has long been associated with the January birthstone.  In fact, the word garnet comes from the 14th‑century Middle English word gernet, meaning 'dark red'.  Red garnet represents love.  It can aid in revitalizing feelings and enhancing sexuality.  It helps to control anger, especially towards oneself. Because of the differing minerals in garnets, there are actually a number of colors varieties.  There is even a rare color changing garnet that appears brownish or orange in daylight but rose-pink in incandescent light. This picture from the GIA website shows a variety of the colors:...

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The Healing Energies of Jade

In a previous post "The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties and Lore of Gemstones - Introduction" I spoke about a class that I had taken which introduced me to the ways various stones can aid a body's healing.  I tend to be a bit of a sceptic so I wanted to try an experiment on myself to see if it really works.   I have a chronic problem with my left ankle from an accident in my 20s where I sprained the joint so badly that my foot and leg were put in a cast.  Even though I thought it healed well at the time, as I get older the joint locks up on occasion and pulls on the muscles in my...

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The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties and Lore of Gemstones - Introduction

Ever since I started designing jewelry with gemstones I have been curious about the lore surrounding the energy of stones and crystals.  In the metaphysical world, the words stone, gem, crystal and Crystal Kingdom are used interchangeably.  That was always a bit confusing to me until I learned that most gemstones are actually mineral crystals - a pure solid substance that has an orderly repeating arrangement of atoms and molecules in three spatial dimensions. Some stones and organic materials used in jewelry such as turquoise, lapis lazuli, sunstone, amber, jet, coral and pearls are not crystals but still have metaphysical properties associated with them.  Learning that fact was just the tip of the iceberg. There are gems properties associated with emotional and physical...

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